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Fundraising Tips

Warning: the following fundraising tips have been scientifically proven to raise lots of dough.

it’s time to start fundraising

Thank you for putting your hand up to get seriously messy. We are about to have a lot of fun together, but to help you make every colour throw count, we’ve come up with 8 top tips to make it easy to reach and exceed your fundraising goal - and bring us a closer to conquering NF.

The money YOU raise will support people affected by neurofibromatosis in Australia and help find more effective treatments. So, what are you waiting for?

Personalise your page

Add a photo or video of yourself to your fundraising page. What’s the point of having that gorgeous face of yours if you’re not going to use it? You can also add updates directly to your page!

Be the first

We’ve found that donating to your own page first really does motivate others to follow suit! People will often match the amount you donate so set the bar as high as you can and watch the donations roll in.

Get Social

Social media platforms are the perfect way to let your friends and colleagues know about your challenge on a regular basis. It’s a GREAT way to remind them that this is not only a fitness challenge, but also one that has a huge role in supporting kids and adults facing a lifetime of tumours and uncertainty.

By Email

Why not send an email to your friends, family and colleagues to let them know about your upcoming challenge and ask for their help? People are often willing to give…they just need to be asked! Make it easy for them by including a link directly to your fundraising page.

Ask the Boss

Does your company offer a dollar matching program? You could double the impact of each gift your workmates donate, or even your whole fundraising total. Speak with your manager to see if this is something your company offers and get matching!

Promote, promote, promote

Where? Everywhere! Promote your plans to get chalked, while running 2km, 4km or 10km at work, school or local community group. Ask if you can put up a poster or two to spread the word!

Say Thank you

Nobody likes their gift to go unnoticed so don’t forget to thank each of your supporters. You’ll receive an email when a donation is made to your fundraising page and you can call or email your supporter directly. You can also post a thank you message on your fundraising page to let the world know how grateful you are for their support.

Share again

We know how easy it is to miss a post or to forget what we were going to do!  Sharing your fundraising page on social media a few times in the lead up to the event is a great (gentle) reminder that you are going to take on this challenge, but most importantly show yourself completing it and why!

Share your photos using #CONQUERNFINCOLOUR

show your support anD make an impact

Remember, the number one reason people donate to charities is because they were asked. The more people you ask to support you, the more funds you will raise and the more people we can help…so start asking!

Maybe your best friend/daughter/father/son/mother has NF and you want to show your support? Maybe you’ve never heard of NF before, but you want to chalk it up with the best of them? You can learn more about the impact of your fundraising.

your fundraising impact 

Your Impact

Learn about the condition and how your fundraising could help advance care and treatments

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Posters and Resources

View our range of posters and resources to make spreading the word easier

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Rewards and Prizes

View our range of rewards and prizes to celebrate your efforts to help us #conquernf

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